Nature's Big Hat
Portobello also called Portabella is simply a brown crimini mushroom in disguise. Evidently the usage of these two terms is simply an issue of size. Once the little brown crimini grows to 4" - 6" in diameter, it is deemed to be a portobello. Portobello in Northern Italy is called "cappellone" which means "big hat". The origin of the name is unsure as there are as many "origins" as there are experts to quote them. The most important thing to know is that it is essentially the big brother of the little brown mushroom.

Here's 5 reasons why we love Portobello Mushrooms and why you should consider including it in your diet:
Portobello mushrooms are FAT-FREE and very low in calories (we had to highlight the amazing fact that it is fat-free.) Portobellos take up a lot of space, but they do not contain many calories. This make them low energy-density foods. A 100g serving contains just under 30 calories.
They are also a rich source of selenium and copper. One cup of diced portobello mushrooms contains 16 mg of selenium and 0.25 mg of copper. These values represent 28 percent of the recommended dietary allowance for both minerals.
Our body does not store niacin or vitamin B6 so it is essential to get a regular supply through our diet. Portobello mushroom is a good source of Vitamin B6 and Niacin. Niacin helps metabolize food into energy and also synthesizes fatty acids while Vitamin B6 is involved in more than 100 chemical actions throughout our body - from helping to metabolize amino acids to producing neurotransmitters and supports the immune system.
Portobello Mushrooms have moderately high amount of fiber. A 100g serving contains just over 2g. Fiber is a key substance for controlling cholesterol and blood-sugar levels. It also has a filling effect on the body, which is beneficial for weight maintenance.
It has a moderate amounts of potassium and phosphorus. A 100g serving contains 437mg of potassium and 135mg of phosphorus; the recommended daily value is 4,700mg and 700mg respectively. Potassium and Phosphorus are important minerals. Potassium helps with muscle contractions, nerve function and acid-alkaline balance, while Phosphorus is needed for bone strengthening and filtration of waste from kidneys.